


Originally from San Diego, I recently finished my masters of science in mechanical engineering at UC Berkeley. I have experience in product design, materials, and mechatronics, but my side passion has always been food science. During my school years, I split time between toying with personal projects in the campus makerspace, researching cheese for the Alt. Meat Lab, and teaching a one-unit course on food fermentation. I currently work as a systems engineer for Sigray, a laboratory equipment company. On the side, you might find me laying down what jazz bass experts call "nasty grooves," writing and editing for different satire publications, and tripping on my own shoelaces. 


For my resume, click here.

Why "kerpau"?


Well, my last name is "Pauker," but all the cool "Pauker" domain names were taken. I could've gone with the boring option (shanepauker.com), but swapping the syllables in my last name gave me "kerpau." "Kerpau" has a few advantages:


  1. It's easier to remember

  2. It sounds like a sound effect for when Batman punches someone

  3. It helps you pronounce my name (POW-ker, not PAW-ker).


Regardless, you can also access this page via the more obvious (but less fun) shanepauker.com